How Does A Solar Powered Car Work?
- Automotive

How Does A Solar Powered Car Work?

Any time the topic of solar energy comes up, the topic quickly shifts to solar powered vehicles and how they work. While there are many technical ways to answer this question, the best way to do it is to simplify it, making it easier to understand, so the discussion can grow and the idea of solar powered vehicles can become more of a reality every day.

So, just exactly how does a solar powered vehicle work? In short, solar-powered vehicles use energy created by the sun  to recharge batteries which are then used to create the electricity the car’s motors need to propel the vehicle down the road. But, how does it do this? Let’s take a closer look:

How Do Solar Powered Cars Work?

With the help of photovoltaic cells, a solar-powered vehicle can turn the sun’s energy into electricity. A simple process is at work here. The photons of sunlight strike the photovoltaic cells and excite the electrons. This enables the electrons to flow which creates an electric current. It is this electric current that provides power to the solar-powered vehicle.

Why would someone want to drive a solar powered car? There are many advantages to driving solar vehicles including:

  • Solar vehicles saves money on fuel.
  • Solar vehicles are sustainable.
  • Solar vehicles are environment-friendly.
  • Solar vehicles Do not cause noise pollution or air pollution.

Solar-Powered Vehicle History

General Motors created the very first solar powered vehicle back in 1955. It was debuted in in Chicago and it used 12 selenium photovoltaic cells and a small Pooley electric motor. The car, while innovative, was too small to drive and the project was shelved.

There are many other auto manufacturers developing solar electric hybrids, but these are mostly in the prototype stages. Today, there is only one, true solar-powered vehicle in actual production. And while companies like Toyota, Hyundai, and others are trying to use solar panels, Aptera has already launched the world’s first, never-charge solar-powered vehicle. The Aptera Never Charge electric vehicle offers true grid independence and it can provide over 40 miles a day and over 11,000 miles per year of plug free driving.

Contact Aptera

To learn more about the benefits of solar powered vehicles and to see the world’s first Never Charge electric vehicle, contact Aptera today!

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